WIP: This post is WIP. I plan to continue to update it as my React journey continues.
Two years ago, there was a hype around React; and after a couple of months of trying to avoid yet-another-javascript-framework, I gave up and decided to see what all the hype was all about. Since that time, Ive not looked back.
Fast-forward to today, I've used React (specifically with Next.js) to create over 4 professional sites, and over 7 side projects. And throughout that time I have created a few custom hooks that I found myself reusing across projects. These hooks help simplify my flow of data, and give me finer control over my components. These hooks may not be applicable to all types of applications, but for the most part they have been super useful for my use-cases:
I use this hook to control data flow from async methods. This is usually from using third-party libraries, but can be useful in other cases:
import {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from "react";
export default function useAsync<T>(method: () => Promise<T>, dependencies:Array<any> = []) {
const methodCaller = useCallback(()=>{
method().then(response => {
}).catch(err => {
}, [method, ...dependencies]);
const [data, setData] = useState<T>(null);
const [status, setStatus] = useState<"fulfilled" | "pending" | "rejected">("pending");
const [error, setError] = useState<Error>(null);
return {status, data, error, run:methodCaller};
function MyComponent(){
const {data, run, status} = useAsync(()=> fetchMovieDetail('harry potter'));
return (
<pre>{status === 'fulfilled' && JSON.stringify(data, null, '\t')}</pre>
<button onClick={run}>{status === 'pending' ? 'Pending' : 'Fetch'}</button>
Occasionally, I find myself needing to interface with third-party libraries and need to control the rendering cycle manually. React is good at managing rendering cycles in most cases, but in those rare situations like when you are using third-parties like Monaco, this may come in handy:
import {useReducer} from "react";
export default function useRender() {
const [count, increment] = useReducer(n => n + 1, 0);
return {render:increment}
While working on a previous side project, I found myself adding event listeners to dom events on a regular basis, so I ended up with the following:
import {useCallback, useEffect, useState} from "react";
export default function useEvent(element?: EventTarget) {
const [eventListeners, setEventListeners] = useState<Record<string, ((ev: Event) => void)>>({});
const addEventListener = useCallback((eventName:string, eventHandler)=>{
setEventListeners(prev => {
return {
[eventName]: eventHandler
}, [eventTarget]);
const removeEventListener = useCallback((eventName:string)=>{
setEventListeners(prev => {
const draft = {...prev};
delete draft[eventName];
return draft;
}, [eventTarget]);
useEffect(() => {
const target = element ?? window;
const listeners = {...eventListeners};
// addListeners
Object.entries(listeners).forEach(entry => {
eventTarget.addEventListener(entry[0], entry[1]);
// remove old listeners
return ()=> {
Object.entries(listeners).forEach(entry => {
eventTarget.removeEventListener(entry[0], entry[1]);
}, [eventListeners]);
return {
For accessibility-related work, I ended up needing a way to disable scroll lock when a modal component is mounted.
import {useLayoutEffect} from "react";
export default function useLockScroll() {
useLayoutEffect(() => {
const previous = window.getComputedStyle(document.body).overflow;
document.body.style.overflow = "hidden";
// undo on unmount
return () => {
document.body.style.overflow = previous
}, []);
For now these have been my most used hooks. As my React journey continues, I may update this post to include new hooks and explain their uses.