So it's been officially 3 years and 8 months (give or take) since I last wrote Futuristic Pursuit. How time flies!
Since then, I got a job at Capital One UK; starting off as a Software Engineer and quickly progressing to a Senior Role, I finalized the winding-down of ProjectFunction, Moved to London with Panther and my Partner, and got back into working on my side projects (after recovering from some serious burnout!)

Time for change
Due to some recent changes in the engineering department structure and future direction, I decided it was time for me to find my next new challenge; to go out forth and figure out whats next in my career journey. Let me tell you, the market is brutal at the moment. Here are the numbers to date:
- 2 interviews at exciting companies
- 4 interviews at companies that ended up throwing too many red flags
- 1 interview at a company based in Germany
- 3 pending interviews
Initially I was struggling to get interviews, but more recently I've had an influx of invites and interviews come through on both my LinkedIn and Otta, so I am hopeful.
With an aim to follow traditions (and in true Daryl-fashion), here is a rough idea of what im looking for next:
- A
startup-like'Big-corp' environment would be perfect - An internal tooling role (Web)
- Team where Node.js + Typescript are part of their toolset (or looking to adopt)
- Flexible working (No office-only)
- Having personal-development budget and opportunities
- No crunch-time (clear seperation of work and personal life)
- Regular opportunities for career-progression
- Stellar SEM known internally for their supportive and enabling nature
- Diverse and inclusive teams
- Actively pursues experimentation and Proof-of-concept
- A place that is not afraid to make (and dogfood) their own tools
- Open-souce contributors would be a plus
- A place that is happy to work and give back to the community
All in all, I have a clear idea of the kind of workplace where I want to work as a Senior Software Engineer ๐จ๐ฝโ๐ป. Now we need to make it happen ๐