This LMS was created for ProjectFunction, which closed its doors in May 2022. See an archive of it on the project page.
For those of you who have not been keeping up with my adventures lately, Rizwana and I ended a PF session for the last time in May after the successful completion of wave 9. Since then, I have gone for a well-needed holiday, replacing my mental and emotional burns with physical ones.
Despite existing and providing a digital learning experience for the past 3 years, Campus has never been seen outside of ProjectFunction. So I thought id take a moment to spotlight Campus - the LMS that I have been working on and maintaining for PF for a couple of years.

Since the inception of v0.1, Campus has had 3 major updates; bringing about a new look, scalable infrastructure, and user-segmented data storage. These changes allowed Campus to grow with PF, as demand and userbase grew.
By the final version of Campus, we were able to bring about the following features which helped improve the experience for individual instructors, as well as learners:
- Knowledge tracking: Allows instructors to review cohort progress and adjust content delivery methods to optimize learning
- Lesson recaps: Learners were able to review any previous lessons and access the relevant assignments, worksheets, and cheatsheets
- Automatic feedback: Provided instructors with the ability to configure assignment grading options so that assignment submissions could be automatically and instantly graded with feedback when learners submitted work
- Engagement tracking: Instructors can view learner engagement to provide additional support to those who may need it. Engagement scores are used to guide instructors so they can maximize the engagement of their courses
- Knowledge base: Each learner has the ability to create their own (or link to other) knowledge bases - enabling knowledge sharing and knowledge consolidation
- Attendance monitoring: Allows instructors to gauge attendance in relation to content delivery
- Automatic assignments publication: Instructors could opt-in to automatic assignments so take-away tasks could be scheduled, created, and shared between instructors for their learners.
- Github integration: Lets learners link to GitHub to manage their assignment submissions, while learning the basics of git
All in all, this platform has grown with ProjectFunction to meet its growing demands. It's been an amazing experience to build and maintain, but as with all good things, it is now time to put it to rest.

I've personally learned a lot along the way, and there are many lessons to take away from the experiences ive gained by building and scaling this platform. Im excited to see where this knowledge takes me 🚀